Search Results
Found 58 items.
Limnology for the ornithologist: effects of Lake Maggiore water level on migratory flows
340PDF: 82Supplementary Tab. 1: 34HTML: 4 -
Influence of re-flooding on phytoplankton assemblages in a temperate wetland following prolonged drought
3094PDF: 1249Supplementary: 418HTML: 1875 -
Effect of clone size on submergence tolerance and post-submergence growth recovery in Carex brevicuspis (Cyperaceae)
2814PDF: 566Supplementary: 324HTML: 1168 -
Hydrological characteristics of extreme floods in the Klaserie River, a headwater stream in southern Africa
1518PDF: 375Supplementary: 41HTML: 40 -
Zooplankton biodiversity and community structure vary along spatiotemporal environmental gradients in restored peridunal ponds
4315PDF: 1013Supplementary: 281HTML: 1973 -
The role of the hydrological cycle on the temporal patterns of macroinvertebrate assemblages in an Andean foothill stream in Colombia
1796PDF: 790Supplementary: 359HTML: 1368 -
Competition between two wetland macrophytes under different levels of sediment saturation
2470PDF: 691HTML: 650 -
Assessing temporal and spatial variability of phytoplankton composition in a large reservoir in the Brazilian northeastern region under intense drought conditions
3220PDF: 544Supplementary: 212HTML: 406 -
Effects of the hydrological cycle on the phycoperiphyton assemblage in an Andean foothill stream in Colombia
2187PDF: 812Supplementary: 256HTML: 1471 -
A georeferenced dataset for occurrence records of the phylum Rotifera in Africa
1518PDF: 353Supplementary File 1: 126Supplementary File 2: 97African rotifer records: 305HTML: 25 -
IMOST: a database for non-marine ostracods in the Iberian Peninsula, the Balearic Islands and Macaronesia
560PDF: 296Supplementary: 62HTML: 15 -
Structure and dynamics of a benthic trophic web in a Mediterranean seasonal stream
3964PDF: 568Supplementary: 191HTML: 1143 -
The structure of planktonic communities of testate amoebae (Arcellinida and Euglyphida) in three environments of the Upper Paraná River basin, Brazil
2748PDF: 809Supplementary: 253HTML: 1065 -
Larval fish sensitivity to a simulated cold-water pulse varies between species and age
2295PDF: 389Supplementary: 159HTML: 132 -
Carbon stable isotope composition of charophyte organic matter in a small and shallow Spanish water body as a baseline for future trophic studies
2174PDF: 1067Supplementary: 334HTML: 1017 -
Impacts of the Koka hydropower dam on macroinvertebrate assemblages in the Awash River Basin in Ethiopia
1192PDF: 201Supplementary: 36HTML: 6 -
A comprehensive evaluation of the crustacean assemblages in southern Iberian Mediterranean wetlands
3482PDF: 985HTML: 1604 -
Biodiversity loss in a small riverine wetland of the Ticino river (Lombardia, Northern Italy)
3717PDF: 878HTML: 1836 -
Extended spawning in brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations from the Southern Iberian Peninsula: the role of climate variability
2731PDF: 629Supplementary: 297HTML: 600 -
A case study of the planktonic communities in two hydrologically different oxbow lakes, Vistula River, Central Poland
3435PDF: 1013Supplementary: 436HTML: 1137 -