Search Results
Found 289 items.
Response of sedimentary processes to cyanobacteria loading
Published: 29 December 20153338PDF: 1223HTML: 1155 -
Environmental modulation of the plankton community composition and size-structure along the eutrophic intertidal coast of the Río de la Plata estuary, Argentina
Published: 15 May 20143301PDF: 1136Supplementary: 322HTML: 1432 -
Lake Orta chemical status 25 years after liming: problems solved and emerging critical issues
Published: 13 April 20162728PDF: 746HTML: 2461 -
Deep-mixing and deep-cooling events in Lake Garda: Simulation and mechanisms
Published: 21 June 20211622PDF: 714Supplementary: 103HTML: 72 -
New physical and chemical perspectives on the ecology of Thorea hispida (Thoreaceae)
Published: 7 November 20142836PDF: 797HTML: 1271 -
Modern limnology and varve-formation processes in Lake Żabińskie, northeastern Poland: comprehensive process studies as a key to understand the sediment record
Published: 29 December 20143446PDF: 1108HTML: 960 -
Assessment of phosphorus behavior in sediments of Lake Sevan, Armenia
Published: 25 October 2023570PDF: 171HTML: 2 -
Phytoplankton-zooplankton coupling in a cascade of hypertrophic fishponds
Published: 21 September 20231825PDF: 308Supplementary: 30HTML: 9 -
Inter-annual climate variability and zooplankton: applying teleconnection indices to two deep subalpine lakes in Italy
Published: 20 August 20143184PDF: 901HTML: 605 -
Diatom communities and ecological status classification in the upper Po River basin
Published: 13 July 2021990PDF: 400Annex 1: 178HTML: 91 -
Using a morpho-functional approach to assess phytoplankton dynamics in two adjacent high-mountain lakes: a 10-year survey
Published: 6 May 20143469PDF: 1051Supplementary: 397HTML: 981 -
Indices of zooplankton community as valuable tools in assessing the trophic state and water quality of eutrophic lakes: long term study of Lake Võrtsjärv
Published: 3 March 20145659PDF: 2267HTML: 2305 -
Lakes in the Anthropocene: Reflections on Tracking Ecosystem Change in the Arctic
Published: 9 November 2023235PDF: 193HTML: 9 -
Weather conditions influencing phosphorus concentration in the growing period in the large shallow Lake Peipsi (Estonia/Russia)
Published: 21 January 20143777PDF: 748HTML: 1189 -
Simulating thermal dynamics of the largest lake in the Caucasus region: The mountain Lake Sevan
Published: 18 October 20213148PDF: 456HTML: 28 -
Temporal changes in periphytic meiofauna in lakes of different trophic states
Published: 19 January 20122702PDF: 1261HTML: 505 -
Morphology-based classification of functional groups for potamoplankton
Published: 28 April 20153361PDF: 1025Supplementary: 318HTML: 909 -
Seasonal variation of Microcystis aeruginosa and factors related to blooms in a deep warm monomictic lake in Mexico
Published: 21 June 20211585PDF: 456Supplementary: 92HTML: 21 -
Trends of publications related to climate change and lake research from 1991 to 2015
Published: 14 March 20174175PDF: 1243HTML: 978 -
Longitudinal effects of land-cover transitions on the periphyton community of a tropical stream
Published: 26 June 20241003PDF: 250Supplementary: 64HTML: 51 -
Spatial variation of picoplankton communities along a cascade reservoir system in Patagonia, Argentina
Published: 3 September 2021819PDF: 207Supplementary 1: 212Supplementary 2: 195HTML: 16 -
Moored observations of turbulent mixing events in deep Lake Garda, Italy
Published: 3 November 20202801PDF: 786HTML: 13 -
Structural and functional responses of the oligochaete and aeolosomatid assemblage in lowland streams: a one-way-pollution-modelled ecosystem
Published: 30 March 20152395PDF: 791Supplementary: 278HTML: 1405 -
Morphological abnormalities in cladocerans related to eutrophication of a tropical reservoir
Published: 27 October 20163176PDF: 1041HTML: 1573 -
Paleolimnological assessment of nutrient enrichment on diatom assemblages in a priori defined nitrogen- and phosphorus-limited lakes downwind of the Athabasca Oil Sands, Canada
Published: 14 April 20173596PDF: 913Supplementary: 226HTML: 744 -
Benthic processes in fresh water fluffy sediments undergoing resuspension
Published: 5 February 20133409PDF: 943HTML: 1347 -
Tropical cyanobacterial blooms: a review of prevalence, problem taxa, toxins and influencing environmental factors
Published: 30 December 20147580PDF: 2727HTML: 2846 -
Demography and feeding behavior of Stenostomum leucops (Dugés, 1828)
Published: 22 March 20162046PDF: 663HTML: 1299 -
Hydrochemistry, ostracods and diatoms in a deep, tropical, crater lake in Western Mexico
Published: 8 October 201311081PDF: 900HTML: 1601 -
Influence of environmental conditions on the regenerative capacity and the survivability of Elodea nuttallii fragments
Published: 18 June 20142683PDF: 941HTML: 868 -
Water chemistry and periphyton biomass in the Rideau River: Have conditions changed after 24 years?
Published: 4 August 20222616PDF: 406HTML: 152 -
Secondary productivity of main microcrustacean species of two tropical reservoirs in Brazil and its relationship with trophic state
Published: 4 February 20163927PDF: 1499HTML: 2009 -
Hitting the sweet spot of complexity: Reasons why the development of new custom-tailored models is still warranted and should be encouraged in aquatic sciences
Published: 27 September 2021916PDF: 262HTML: 14 -
Perspectives for an integrated understanding of tropical and temperate high-mountain lakes
Published: 22 March 20164776PDF: 1716HTML: 8380 -
Experimental weed control of Najas marina ssp. intermedia and Elodea nuttallii in lakes using biodegradable jute matting
Published: 7 October 20135169PDF: 754HTML: 1111 -
Aphanizomenon gracile increases in width in the presence of Daphnia. A defence mechanism against grazing?
Published: 8 October 20135962PDF: 769HTML: 1180 -
Exploiting high frequency monitoring and satellite imagery for assessing chlorophyll-a dynamics in a shallow eutrophic lake
Published: 13 July 20211499PDF: 265Supplementary 1: 49Supplementary 2: 54Supplementary 3: 53HTML: 63 -
A case study of the planktonic communities in two hydrologically different oxbow lakes, Vistula River, Central Poland
Published: 16 December 20143478PDF: 1025Supplementary: 441HTML: 1143 -
Sedimentary geochemical record of human-induced environmental changes in Huanggaihu Lake in the middle reach of the Yangtze River, China
Published: 7 July 20142523PDF: 936HTML: 601 -
Population growth potential of rotifers from a high altitude eutrophic waterbody, Madín reservoir (State of Mexico, Mexico): The importance of seasonal sampling Rotifer growth potential
Published: 27 June 20181435PDF: 577HTML: 66 -
The role of the hydrological cycle on the temporal patterns of macroinvertebrate assemblages in an Andean foothill stream in Colombia
Published: 22 March 20161814PDF: 799Supplementary: 362HTML: 1368 -
Relationships among cyanobacteria, zooplankton and fish in sub-bloom conditions in the Sulejow Reservoir
Published: 26 January 20174667PDF: 898Supplementary: 327HTML: 1096 -
A review of anthropogenic stressors on Lake Sevan, Armenia
Published: 4 August 20221064PDF: 404HTML: 49 -
The diet of introduced brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis; Mitchill, 1814) in an alpine area and a literature review on its feeding ecology
Published: 3 May 20163011PDF: 952HTML: 739 -
Spatial distribution of ammonia-oxidizing archaea and bacteria across eight freshwater lakes in sediments from Jiangsu of China
Published: 4 March 20143115PDF: 1227HTML: 698 -
A georeferenced dataset for occurrence records of the phylum Rotifera in Africa
Published: 6 March 20231772PDF: 375Supplementary File 1: 155Supplementary File 2: 119African rotifer records: 311HTML: 25 -
Mediterranean rivers: Consequences of water scarcity on benthic algal chlorophyll a content
Published: 7 June 20161908PDF: 901 -
Assessing the effects of climate and volcanism on diatom and chironomid assemblages in an Andean lake near Quito, Ecuador
Published: 30 December 20154205PDF: 1341HTML: 1261 -
Allelopathic interactions between the macrophyte Egeria densa and plankton (alga, Scenedesmus acutus and cladocerans, Simocephalus spp.): a laboratory study
Published: 22 March 20162845PDF: 1031HTML: 1305 -
Water quality in Lake Xochimilco, Mexico: zooplankton indicators and Vibrio cholerae
Published: 18 August 20157485PDF: 2028HTML: 4675