Search Results
Found 287 items.
Longitudinal recovery gradient of macroinvertebrates during different hydrological scenarios in a downstream river reach
1677PDF: 307Figure S1. MFA_Complex_Full_Partial_axes: 78Figure S2. MFA_Complex_Full_IND: 71Table S1. Taxonomic distribution: 66Table S2. PCA_Bio_St: 67Table S3. Environmental variables: 67Table S4. Daily flow time series: 68Table S5. PCA_Hydro_St: 72Table S6. PCA_Chem_St: 70Table S7. MFA_Complex: 70HTML: 22 -
The relationships between structural and functional diversity within and among macrophyte communities in lakes
2624PDF: 701Supplementary: 249HTML: 455 -
Carbon stable isotope composition of charophyte organic matter in a small and shallow Spanish water body as a baseline for future trophic studies
2170PDF: 1065Supplementary: 334HTML: 1017 -
Structural and functional responses of the oligochaete and aeolosomatid assemblage in lowland streams: a one-way-pollution-modelled ecosystem
2377PDF: 770Supplementary: 273HTML: 1405 -
Perspectives for an integrated understanding of tropical and temperate high-mountain lakes
4613PDF: 1675HTML: 8367 -
Phytoplankton-zooplankton coupling in a cascade of hypertrophic fishponds
1232PDF: 282Supplementary: 25HTML: 8 -
Diatom communities and ecological status classification in the upper Po River basin
804PDF: 230Annex 1: 173HTML: 75 -
Seasonal variation of Microcystis aeruginosa and factors related to blooms in a deep warm monomictic lake in Mexico
1488PDF: 436Supplementary: 90HTML: 20 -
Trends in Ostracoda and Cladocera distribution and water chemistry in subarctic Canada: Churchill (Manitoba) lakes and ponds revisited
4306PDF: 823Suppl. Tab. 1: 1496Suppl. Tab. 2: 1459HTML: 816 -
Longitudinal effects of land-cover transitions on the periphyton community of a tropical stream
460PDF: 148Supplementary: 29HTML: 15 -
Fisheries impacts on lake ecosystem structure in the context of a changing climate and trophic state
3912PDF: 1143HTML: 358 -
Ecological dynamics of two remote alpine lakes during ice-free season
4812PDF: 827Supplementary: 221HTML: 1265 -
Ecological drivers of testate amoeba diversity in tropical water bodies of central Mexico Drivers of testate amoeba diversity in tropical water bodies
1710PDF: 612Supplementary: 595HTML: 84 -
Distribution and biometry of native and alien crayfish in Trentino (Italian Alps)
2864PDF: 767Supplementary: 203HTML: 725 -
Seasonal variation of mercury and δ15N in fish from Lake Heddalsvatn, southern Norway
2410PDF: 966HTML: 1191 -
Response of Bosmina size structure to the acidification and recovery of lakes near Sudbury, Canada
2311PDF: 835HTML: 1580 -
A case study of the planktonic communities in two hydrologically different oxbow lakes, Vistula River, Central Poland
3430PDF: 1013Supplementary: 436HTML: 1137 -
Influence of re-flooding on phytoplankton assemblages in a temperate wetland following prolonged drought
3091PDF: 1246Supplementary: 414HTML: 1874 -
Biodiversity loss in a small riverine wetland of the Ticino river (Lombardia, Northern Italy)
3717PDF: 878HTML: 1836