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Found 91 items.
Spatially explicit genetic structure in the freshwater sponge Ephydatia fluviatilis (Linnaeus, 1759) within the framework of the monopolisation hypothesis
Published: 6 February 20133875PDF: 758Supplementary Material: 278HTML: 539 -
Population genetic structure and demographic history of the freshwater crab Potamon elbursi (Brachyura: Potamidae) from the Alborz Mountains in northern Iran
Published: 1 April 20152310PDF: 1004HTML: 1502 -
A georeferenced dataset for occurrence records of the phylum Rotifera in Africa
Published: 6 March 20231854PDF: 379Supplementary File 1: 161Supplementary File 2: 123African rotifer records: 317HTML: 25 -
Daphnia diversity in water bodies of the Po River Basin
Published: 16 December 20163786PDF: 813Supplementary: 364HTML: 828 -
Limnology and plankton diversity of salt lakes from Transylvanian Basin (Romania): A review
Published: 18 September 20174197PDF: 1053Supplementary: 407HTML: 797 -
Trends in Ostracoda and Cladocera distribution and water chemistry in subarctic Canada: Churchill (Manitoba) lakes and ponds revisited
Published: 21 March 20174643PDF: 834Suppl. Tab. 1: 1526Suppl. Tab. 2: 1489HTML: 819 -
Genetic diversity and population differentiation of the freshwater copepod Sinocalanus tenellus (Calanoida, Centropagidae) in China
Published: 12 April 20181480PDF: 430Supplementary: 191HTML: 60 -
Double origin of the racer goby (Babka gymnotrachelus) in Poland revealed with mitochondrial marker. Possible implications for the species alien/native status
Published: 1 September 20153022PDF: 862HTML: 1310 -
Sources of organic matter affect depth-related microbial community composition in sediments of Lake Erhai, Southwest China
Published: 24 November 20142951PDF: 1003Supplementary: 345HTML: 1945 -
The increasing spread of the European barbel in the Italian large lowland rivers is threatening the native species
Published: 21 September 2023596PDF: 191Supplementary: 33HTML: 5 -
Repeated flood disturbance enhances rotifer dominance and diversity in a zooplankton community of a small dammed mountain pond
Published: 29 December 20163707PDF: 854HTML: 793 -
Seasonal morphological variability in an in situ Cyanobacteria monoculture: example from a persistent Cylindrospermopsis bloom in Lake Catemaco, Veracruz, Mexico
Published: 22 March 20162001PDF: 893HTML: 1625 -
Decaying cyanobacteria decrease N2O emissions related to diversity of intestinal denitrifiers of Chironomus plumosus
Published: 15 October 20142785PDF: 970HTML: 1257 -
Diversity and dynamics of picocyanobacteria and the bloom-forming cyanobacteria in a large shallow eutrophic lake (lake Chaohu, China)
Published: 7 October 20134595PDF: 1036HTML: 1201 -
Oligochaete distribution in alpine freshwaters: not a mere question of altitude
Published: 4 October 20231060PDF: 329Supplementary: 44HTML: 5 -
Picocyanobacterial community structure and space-time dynamics in the subalpine Lake Maggiore (N. Italy)
Published: 19 January 20121955PDF: 891HTML: 578 -
Endemism in the Cladocera (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) of Southern Africa
Published: 19 August 20134195PDF: 824HTML: 2498 -
Unexpected increases in rotifer resting egg abundances during the period of contamination of Lake Orta
Published: 13 April 20163036PDF: 918HTML: 1649 -
Zooplankton biodiversity and community structure vary along spatiotemporal environmental gradients in restored peridunal ponds
Published: 13 November 20154484PDF: 1024Supplementary: 287HTML: 1974 -
Reproduction of Daphnia pulex in a Northern Italy pond
Published: 24 April 20142851PDF: 1051HTML: 1401 -
Exploring diatom diversity through cultures - a case study from the Bow River, Canada
Published: 6 December 20223651PDF: 381HTML: 11 -
Cladocera resting egg banks in temporary and permanent wetlands
Published: 28 October 20202370PDF: 461HTML: 42 -
Genetic diversity in the parthenogenetic reproducing tardigrade Echiniscus testudo (Heterotardigrada: Echiniscoidea)
Published: 26 April 20132538PDF: 647 -
Spatial distribution of ammonia-oxidizing archaea and bacteria across eight freshwater lakes in sediments from Jiangsu of China
Published: 4 March 20143174PDF: 1229HTML: 698 -
Checklist and distribution of the groundwater crustacean fauna from Sicily, Italy
Published: 3 September 2024910PDF: 177Supplementary: 55HTML: 46 -
The first record of translocated white-clawed crayfish from the Austropotamobius pallipes complex in Sardinia (Italy)
Published: 20 March 20153039PDF: 1036HTML: 1171 -
A snapshot of alien cyanobacteria found in northeastern European freshwaters - Lithuania case
Published: 14 May 2024823PDF: 249HTML: 58 -
Metabarcoding to monitor the crustacean zooplankton of a lake improves when using a reference DNA library from local samples
Published: 8 February 20232000PDF: 527HTML: 105Supplementary: 57Supplementary Data: 95 -
Establishment of Chydorus sphaericus (O.F. Muller, 1785) (Crustacea: Cladocera) in Australia: consequences of mass fish stocking from Northern Europe?
Published: 12 September 20143194PDF: 1224HTML: 1461 -
Hatching response to temperature along a latitudinal gradient by the fairy shrimp Branchinecta lindahli (Crustacea; Branchiopoda; Anostraca) in culture conditions
Published: 5 August 20142409PDF: 971HTML: 781 -
Co-selection of antibiotic and heavy metal resistance in freshwater bacteria
Published: 13 April 20167108PDF: 1952HTML: 3191 -
A georeferenced dataset of Italian occurrence records of the phylum Rotifera
Published: 6 February 20231254PDF: 435HTML: 22 -
Occurrence of two distinct lineages of the freshwater jellyfish Craspedacusta sowerbii (Hydrozoa: Limnomedusae) in Italy
Published: 7 December 20201798PDF: 562Supplementary: 142HTML: 28 -
Perspectives for an integrated understanding of tropical and temperate high-mountain lakes
Published: 22 March 20164869PDF: 1721HTML: 8384 -
Micro-players for macro-roles: aquatic microbes in deep lakes
Published: 22 March 20162506PDF: 718HTML: 1356 -
Rotifers in Lake Orta: a potential ecological and evolutionary model system
Published: 13 April 20163451PDF: 1142HTML: 1683 -
Daphnia lumholtzi Sars, 1885 (Cladocera: Daphniidae) invades Argentina
Published: 30 April 20142966PDF: 1215HTML: 1452 -
A molecular study of the tardigrade Echiniscus testudo (Echiniscidae) reveals low DNA sequence diversity over a large geographical area
Published: 1 September 20075388PDF: 1579 -
First record of males of Cypridopsis vidua (Crustacea, Ostracoda) species complex for Europe
Published: 29 April 2024929PDF: 285HTML: 73 -
Phenology of Daphnia in a Northern Italy pond during the weather anomalous 2014
Published: 14 May 20152468PDF: 751HTML: 953 -
Biogeography of the ‘water flea’ Daphnia O. F. Müller (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Anomopoda) on the Indian subcontinent
Published: 21 June 20163851PDF: 1019Supplementary: 465HTML: 1661 -
Tropical cyanobacterial blooms: a review of prevalence, problem taxa, toxins and influencing environmental factors
Published: 30 December 20147630PDF: 2736HTML: 2846 -
Distribution and structure of lotic macroinvertebrate communities and the influence of environmental factors in a tropical cloud forest, Cusuco National Park, Honduras
Published: 2 November 20162564PDF: 1132HTML: 1609 -
Discrimination of freshwater fish species by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization- Time Of Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS): a pilot study
Published: 19 January 20123461PDF: 1185HTML: 482 -
Extended spawning in brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations from the Southern Iberian Peninsula: the role of climate variability
Published: 16 January 20152837PDF: 644Supplementary: 300HTML: 602 -
Sedimentary chydorid (Cladocera) ephippia in relation to lake ecological quality in the Austrian Alps
Published: 5 February 20132697PDF: 795HTML: 1318 -
Thermal regime of a highly regulated Italian river (Ticino River) and implications for aquatic communities
Published: 9 August 20163263PDF: 1037Supplementary: 229HTML: 1411 -
The impact of fire on terrestrial tardigrade biodiversity: a first case-study from Portugal
Published: 3 May 20133483PDF: 691 -
Mollusk communities of the central Congo River shaped by combined effects of barriers, environmental gradients, and species dispersal
Published: 2 May 20173412PDF: 664Suppl. Tab. 1: 677Suppl. File_html: 1560HTML: 741 -
Assessing the role of canopy cover on the colonization of phytotelmata by aquatic invertebrates: an experiment with the tank-bromeliad Aechmea lingulata
Published: 16 December 20164564PDF: 967HTML: 901