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Found 24 items.
Numerical simulation of the vertical migration of Microcystis (cyanobacteria) colonies based on turbulence drag
Published: 11 November 20162059PDF: 883HTML: 1327 -
Morphological changes of Microcystis aeruginosa colonies in culture
Published: 1 July 20154352PDF: 1202HTML: 2050 -
Cormorant predation on PIT-tagged lake fish
Published: 21 February 20144998PDF: 1089HTML: 1133 -
Changes in physico-chemical conditions and macrophyte abundance in a shallow soft-water lake mediated by a Great Cormorant roosting colony
Published: 5 August 20142747PDF: 929HTML: 867 -
Formation of large colonies: a defense mechanism of Microcystis aeruginosa under continuous grazing pressure by flagellate Ochromonas sp.
Published: 19 January 20124592PDF: 1681HTML: 709 -
Morphology-based classification of functional groups for potamoplankton
Published: 28 April 20153379PDF: 1027Supplementary: 320HTML: 909 -
Daphnia fed algal food grown at elevated temperature have reduced fitness
Published: 6 May 20144217PDF: 1080HTML: 1050 -
Relationships among cyanobacteria, zooplankton and fish in sub-bloom conditions in the Sulejow Reservoir
Published: 26 January 20174728PDF: 903Supplementary: 328HTML: 1097 -
Synoptic results on the potential impacts of the Lake Maggiore water management strategy on freshwater littoral ecosystems and invertebrate biocoenosis (NW, Italy)
Published: 20 September 2023484PDF: 115Supplementary: 22HTML: 4 -
Seasonal quantitative dynamics and ecology of pelagic rotifers in an acidified boreal lake
Published: 5 December 20172485PDF: 502HTML: 516 -
The ghost of herbivory past: slow defence relaxation in the chlorophyte Scenedesmus obliquus
Published: 1 August 20092104PDF: 687 -
Ciliates in different types of pools in temperate, tropical, and polar climate zones – implications for climate change
Published: 28 September 20212401PDF: 341HTML: 128 -
Aphanizomenon gracile increases in width in the presence of Daphnia. A defence mechanism against grazing?
Published: 8 October 20135976PDF: 771HTML: 1181 -
Identification of aquatic consumer trophic pathways in four volcanic tropical lakes using fatty acid biomarkers
Published: 19 July 20222697PDF: 430Supplementary: 175HTML: 210 -
Spatial and temporal dynamics of phytoplankton communities in a Great Lakes drowned river-mouth lake (Mona Lake, USA)
Published: 17 February 20152607PDF: 1091HTML: 1343 -
A case study of the planktonic communities in two hydrologically different oxbow lakes, Vistula River, Central Poland
Published: 16 December 20143538PDF: 1025Supplementary: 443HTML: 1144 -
An experimental test of the ability of Daphnia galeata resting egg production in Lake Biwa
Published: 12 February 20144310PDF: 807HTML: 1120 -
Influence of underwater light climate on periphyton and phytoplankton communities in shallow lakes from the Pampa plain (Argentina) with contrasting steady states
Published: 5 February 20133751PDF: 914HTML: 976 -
Effect of a dam on epilithic algal communities of a mountain stream: before-after dam construction comparison
Published: 5 February 20133743PDF: 1029HTML: 1238 -
Allelopathic interactions between the macrophyte Egeria densa and plankton (alga, Scenedesmus acutus and cladocerans, Simocephalus spp.): a laboratory study
Published: 22 March 20162857PDF: 1031HTML: 1306 -
Diversity and distribution of Tardigrada in Arctic cryoconite holes
Published: 7 June 20163769PDF: 1450HTML: 1442 -
Seasonal variation of Microcystis aeruginosa and factors related to blooms in a deep warm monomictic lake in Mexico
Published: 21 June 20211638PDF: 457Supplementary: 95HTML: 21 -
Nitrate limitation and accumulation of dissolved organic carbon during a spring-summer cyanobacterial bloom in Lake Taihu (China)
Published: 19 January 20122604PDF: 1047HTML: 1022 -
Phytoplankton relationship with bacterioplankton, dissolved carbohydrates and water characteristics in a subtropical coastal lagoon
Published: 9 October 201310422PDF: 859HTML: 1174
1 - 24 of 24 items