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Found 117 items.
A snapshot of alien cyanobacteria found in northeastern European freshwaters - Lithuania case
Published: 14 May 2024818PDF: 248HTML: 58 -
A comprehensive evaluation of the crustacean assemblages in southern Iberian Mediterranean wetlands
Published: 11 September 20143612PDF: 1006HTML: 1604 -
Richness of littoral macroinvertebrate communities in mountain ponds from NW Spain: what factors does it depend on?
Published: 19 January 20122803PDF: 1206HTML: 777 -
Exploiting high frequency monitoring and satellite imagery for assessing chlorophyll-a dynamics in a shallow eutrophic lake
Published: 13 July 20211575PDF: 271Supplementary 1: 51Supplementary 2: 56Supplementary 3: 55HTML: 64 -
Lakes in the Anthropocene: Reflections on Tracking Ecosystem Change in the Arctic
Published: 9 November 2023254PDF: 198HTML: 9 -
Estimating aquatic invertebrate diversity in the southern Alps using data from Biodiversity Days
Published: 21 June 20211032PDF: 362Supplementary: 97HTML: 17 -
Seasonality of the N2O cycle of the Biobío River during the megadrought Nitrous oxide during a megadrought
Published: 27 September 20181690PDF: 632HTML: 31 -
Seasonal variation of allochthonous and autochthonous energy inputs in an alpine stream
Published: 17 October 20143770PDF: 1076HTML: 1802 -
Predicting aquatic macrophyte occurrence in soft-water oligotrophic lakes (Pyrenees mountain range)
Published: 22 August 20143930PDF: 899Supplementary: 249HTML: 516 -
Ciliates in different types of pools in temperate, tropical, and polar climate zones – implications for climate change
Published: 28 September 20212403PDF: 341HTML: 128 -
Larval fish sensitivity to a simulated cold-water pulse varies between species and age
Published: 22 July 20222374PDF: 405Supplementary: 164HTML: 135 -
Changes in and driving factors of the lake area of Huri Chagannao’er Lake in Inner Mongolia
Published: 26 October 20221578PDF: 274Supplementary: 145HTML: 75 -
Initial size structure of natural phytoplankton communities determines the response to Daphnia diel vertical migration
Published: 19 January 20122580PDF: 1058HTML: 576 -
Daphnia diversity in water bodies of the Po River Basin
Published: 16 December 20163777PDF: 813Supplementary: 364HTML: 828 -
Multidecadal analysis of Lake Garda water balance
Published: 20 November 20231720PDF: 721Supplementary: 32HTML: 27 -
High chlorophyll a concentration in a low nutrient context: discussions in a subtropical lake dominated by Cyanobacteria
Published: 3 May 20163210PDF: 1049HTML: 768 -
δ18O and δD variations in some volcanic lakes on the Cameroon Volcanic Line (West-Africa): generating isotopic baseline data for volcano monitoring and surveillance in Cameroon
Published: 24 June 20142633PDF: 1030HTML: 1810 -
Unprecedented changes in mollusc assemblages of the littoral zone in the two largest peri-Alpine French lakes since the last 4500 years
Published: 12 February 20142805PDF: 808HTML: 1115 -
An experimental test of the ability of Daphnia galeata resting egg production in Lake Biwa
Published: 12 February 20144315PDF: 807HTML: 1120 -
Assessing the potential environmental factors affecting cladoceran assemblage composition in arsenic-contaminated lakes near abandoned silver mines
Published: 17 May 2021864PDF: 301Supplementary: 80HTML: 11 -
Eutrophication-like response to climate warming: an analysis of Lago Maggiore (N. Italy) zooplankton in contrasting years
Published: 1 August 20083031PDF: 800 -
Metabarcoding to monitor the crustacean zooplankton of a lake improves when using a reference DNA library from local samples
Published: 8 February 20231991PDF: 527HTML: 105Supplementary: 57Supplementary Data: 94 -
Predicting the invasive potential of the cladoceran Daphnia lumholtzi Sars, 1885 (Crustacea: Cladocera: Daphniidae) in the Neotropics: are generalists threatened and relicts protected by their life-history traits?
Published: 22 December 20163754PDF: 867Supplementary: 375HTML: 892 -
An additional challenge of Lake Kivu in Central Africa - upward movement of the chemoclines
Published: 19 January 20122826PDF: 1093HTML: 815 -
Model simulations of the ecological dynamics induced by climate and nutrient load changes for deep subalpine Lake Maggiore (Italy/Switzerland) Model simulations of the future ecological dynamics of Lake Maggiore
Published: 12 June 20202036PDF: 488Supplementary: 112HTML: 17 -
The success of the cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii in freshwaters is enhanced by the combined effects of light intensity and temperature
Published: 22 June 20163467PDF: 1098HTML: 1293 -
Environmental variability and human activity over the past 140 years documented by sediments of Ebinur Lake in arid central Asia
Published: 18 May 20173206PDF: 722HTML: 719 -
Distribution of fish species in the upper Po River Basin (NW Italy): a synthesis of 30 years of data
Published: 10 September 2024926PDF: 171HTML: 40 -
Cascading effect of exotic fish fry on plankton community in a tropical Andean high mountain lake: a mesocosm experiment
Published: 26 January 20173954PDF: 1033HTML: 923 -
Lake Maggiore: geomorphological genesis, lake-level evolution, and present and future ecosystems importance
Published: 18 September 2023943PDF: 159HTML: 50 -
Response of Bosmina size structure to the acidification and recovery of lakes near Sudbury, Canada
Published: 13 April 20162438PDF: 858HTML: 1580 -
Temperature-dependent effect of filamentous cyanobacteria on Daphnia magna life history traits
Published: 1 August 20113010PDF: 1092 -
Impacts of extreme air temperatures on cyanobacteria in five deep peri-Alpine lakes
Published: 1 August 20112443PDF: 1114 -
Comment on An additional challenge of Lake Kivu in Central Africa – upward movement of the chemoclines by Finn Hirslund
Published: 24 July 20122142PDF: 623HTML: 416 -
An annotated checklist and bibliography of the Diaptomidae (Copepoda, Calanoida) of Italy, Corsica, and the Maltese islands
Published: 13 July 20212250PDF: 249HTML: 75Shapefile of the Italian zoogeographical provinces: 0Matrix of the 55 species distributed in the 19 bioregions: 0Letter by prof. Friedrich Kiefer to prof. Emilia Stella: 0 -
Modern limnology and varve-formation processes in Lake Żabińskie, northeastern Poland: comprehensive process studies as a key to understand the sediment record
Published: 29 December 20143476PDF: 1114HTML: 960 -
Rotifers in Lake Orta: a potential ecological and evolutionary model system
Published: 13 April 20163444PDF: 1142HTML: 1683 -
Towards ecological flows: status of the benthic macroinvertebrate community during summer low-flow periods in a regulated lowland river
Published: 22 May 20231424PDF: 190HTML: 7 -
Hydrochemical determination of source water contributions to Lake Lungo and Lake Ripasottile (central Italy)
Published: 21 December 20164792PDF: 972Supplementary: 320HTML: 799 -
Assessment of phosphorus behavior in sediments of Lake Sevan, Armenia
Published: 25 October 2023651PDF: 176HTML: 2 -
Seasonal morphological variability in an in situ Cyanobacteria monoculture: example from a persistent Cylindrospermopsis bloom in Lake Catemaco, Veracruz, Mexico
Published: 22 March 20161990PDF: 893HTML: 1625 -
Daphnia magna fitness during low food supply under different water temperature and brownification scenarios
Published: 7 November 20164246PDF: 1101Supplementary: 341HTML: 1600 -
Sediment biomarkers record hydrological and anthropogenic-driven environmental changes since 1800 AD in the Ili-Balkhash Basin, arid Central Asia
Published: 27 February 2024799PDF: 351HTML: 67 -
Assessment of disturbance at three spatial scales in two large tropical reservoirs
Published: 9 December 20164429PDF: 1095Supplementary: 415HTML: 865 -
Limnology and plankton diversity of salt lakes from Transylvanian Basin (Romania): A review
Published: 18 September 20174190PDF: 1053Supplementary: 407HTML: 797 -
Environmental factors affecting the distribution of Chironomid larvae of the Seybouse wadi, North-Eastern Algeria
Published: 27 March 20132729PDF: 853Supplementary: 212HTML: 1185 -
Oligochaete distribution in alpine freshwaters: not a mere question of altitude
Published: 4 October 20231054PDF: 329Supplementary: 44HTML: 5 -
Daphnia fed algal food grown at elevated temperature have reduced fitness
Published: 6 May 20144222PDF: 1080HTML: 1050 -
Study of influencing factors to chromophoric dissolved organic matter absorption properties from fluorescence features in Taihu lake in autumn
Published: 26 April 20132654PDF: 583HTML: 794 -
A long-term multi-proxy record of varved sediments highlights climate-induced mixing-regime shift in a large hard-water lake ~5000 years ago
Published: 9 June 20143789PDF: 1129Supplementary: 407HTML: 1857