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Found 57 items.
Mechanisms controlling the carbon stable isotope composition of phytoplankton in karst reservoirs
Published: 6 February 20133342PDF: 808HTML: 1671 -
δ18O and δD variations in some volcanic lakes on the Cameroon Volcanic Line (West-Africa): generating isotopic baseline data for volcano monitoring and surveillance in Cameroon
Published: 24 June 20142629PDF: 1030HTML: 1810 -
Diatoms modify the relationship between dissolved silicon and bicarbonate in the impounded rivers
Published: 8 October 20133871PDF: 554HTML: 871 -
Hydrogeochemical processes controlling water and dissolved gas chemistry at the Accesa sinkhole (southern Tuscany, central Italy)
Published: 26 May 20144161PDF: 1082HTML: 1094 -
A long-term multi-proxy record of varved sediments highlights climate-induced mixing-regime shift in a large hard-water lake ~5000 years ago
Published: 9 June 20143783PDF: 1128Supplementary: 407HTML: 1857 -
Using integrated multivariate statistics to assess the hydrochemistry of surface water quality, Lake Taihu basin, China
Published: 24 September 20144054PDF: 1065Supplementary: 306HTML: 1230 -
Water and dissolved gas geochemistry of the monomictic Paterno sinkhole (central Italy)
Published: 24 July 20122429PDF: 633HTML: 748 -
Deposition, burial and sequestration of carbon in an oligotrophic, tropical lake
Published: 25 February 20143162PDF: 1164HTML: 1174 -
Geochemistry and mineralogy of a complex sedimentary deposit in the alkaline volcanic Lake Specchio di Venere (Pantelleria Island, south Mediterranean)
Published: 4 January 20181879PDF: 486HTML: 89 -
Environmental variability and human activity over the past 140 years documented by sediments of Ebinur Lake in arid central Asia
Published: 18 May 20173203PDF: 722HTML: 719 -
An overview of the structure, hazards, and methods of investigation of Nyos-type lakes from the geochemical perspective
Published: 12 February 20145893PDF: 5377HTML: 3430 -
Sub-fossil chironomids as indicators of hydrological changes in the shallow and high-altitude lake Shen Co, Tibetan Plateau, over the past two centuries
Published: 28 July 20222903PDF: 496Supplementary: 181HTML: 133 -
A 100-year record of climate change and human activities inferred from the geochemical composition of sediments in Chaiwopu Lake, arid northwest China
Published: 7 January 20163237PDF: 1179Supplementary: 333HTML: 1413 -
Origin and hydrogeochemistry of a shallow flow-through lake on a Pleistocene piedmont, northern Spanish Meseta
Published: 6 June 20132065PDF: 625HTML: 1324 -
Modern sedimentation processes in Laguna de Medina, southern Spain, derived from lake surface sediment and catchment soil samples
Published: 14 October 20163555PDF: 770HTML: 1575 -
Sedimentary lipid biomarkers in the magnesium rich and highly alkaline Lake Salda (south-western Anatolia)
Published: 30 June 20163170PDF: 1221Supplementary: 377HTML: 2923 -
Lake-wide assessment of trace elements in surface sediments and water of Lake Sevan
Published: 10 May 2023886PDF: 304Supplementary: 46HTML: 9 -
Assessing the effects of climate and volcanism on diatom and chironomid assemblages in an Andean lake near Quito, Ecuador
Published: 30 December 20154281PDF: 1345HTML: 1261 -
Preliminary investigations on picoplankton-related precipitation of alkaline-earth metal carbonates in meso-oligotrophic lake Geneva (Switzerland)
Published: 31 October 20134333PDF: 744Supplementary: 228HTML: 611 -
Limnology and plankton diversity of salt lakes from Transylvanian Basin (Romania): A review
Published: 18 September 20174173PDF: 1050Supplementary: 407HTML: 797 -
A comparison of the distribution and sources of organic matter in surface sediments collected from northwestern and southwestern plateau lakes in China
Published: 7 July 20173307PDF: 825HTML: 980 -
Sediment biomarkers record hydrological and anthropogenic-driven environmental changes since 1800 AD in the Ili-Balkhash Basin, arid Central Asia
Published: 27 February 2024790PDF: 351HTML: 67 -
Geochemical assessment of lake sediments in protected areas in Poland – a search for reference condition
Published: 26 June 20172947PDF: 746HTML: 487 -
Comparison of different solid phase extraction sorbents for the qualitative assessment of dissolved organic nitrogen in freshwater samples using FT-ICR-MS SPE sorbent comparison for DON extraction
Published: 6 June 20181990PDF: 549Supplementary: 137HTML: 91 -
Fourteen years of palaeolimnological research of a past industrial polluted lake (L. Orta, Northern Italy): an overview
Published: 1 August 20011651PDF: 492 -
Faunistic survey of the zooplankton community in an oligotrophic sinkhole, Cenote Azul (Quintana Roo, Mexico), using different sampling methods, and documented with DNA barcodes Zooplankton baseline in a karstic system
Published: 21 June 20181810PDF: 652Id Tree of all specimens: 283HTML: 86 -
Fifty years of eutrophication and lake restoration reflected in sedimentary carbon and nitrogen isotopes of a small, hardwater lake (south Germany)
Published: 23 April 20133902PDF: 848Supplementary: 651HTML: 934 -
Trends of publications related to climate change and lake research from 1991 to 2015
Published: 14 March 20174333PDF: 1244HTML: 978 -
Assessing temporal and spatial variability of phytoplankton composition in a large reservoir in the Brazilian northeastern region under intense drought conditions
Published: 2 November 20173406PDF: 556Supplementary: 217HTML: 407 -
Mercury methylation in oxic aquatic macro-environments: a review
Published: 9 March 20212157PDF: 699HTML: 123 -
Geochemical response of a closed-lake basin to 20th century recurring droughts/wet intervals in the subtropical Pampean Plains of South America
Published: 1 February 20041650PDF: 971 -
Total organic carbon and its environmental significance for the surface sediments in groundwater recharged lakes from the Badain Jaran Desert, northwest China
Published: 9 November 20172527PDF: 622HTML: 808 -
Hydrochemical determination of source water contributions to Lake Lungo and Lake Ripasottile (central Italy)
Published: 21 December 20164788PDF: 972Supplementary: 320HTML: 799 -
Geochemistry of major and trace elements and their environmental significances in core sediments from Bosten Lake, arid northwestern China Geochemistry of Bosten Lake sediments in northwest China
Published: 12 April 20191395PDF: 474Supplementary: 116HTML: 183 -
Fossil cladoceran record from Lake Piramide Inferiore (5067 m asl) in the Nepalese Himalayas: biogeographical and paleoecological implications
Published: 30 April 20142931PDF: 931HTML: 1213 -
Scaled-chrysophyte assemblage changes in the sediment records of lakes recovering from marked acidification and metal contamination near Wawa, Ontario, Canada
Published: 24 July 20122695PDF: 623HTML: 609 -
Sedimentary geochemical record of human-induced environmental changes in Huanggaihu Lake in the middle reach of the Yangtze River, China
Published: 7 July 20142532PDF: 938HTML: 601 -
Lake Sevan. Past, present, and future state of a unique alpine lake
Published: 23 November 2023468PDF: 178HTML: 4 -
Seasonal variation of mercury and δ15N in fish from Lake Heddalsvatn, southern Norway
Published: 11 June 20142537PDF: 980HTML: 1192 -
Dissolved organic carbon, CO2, and CH4 concentrations and their stable isotope ratios in thermokarst lakes on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
Published: 26 January 20164226PDF: 1572HTML: 1304 -
Ecological effects of multiple stressors on a deep lake (Lago Maggiore, Italy) integrating neo and palaeolimnological approaches
Published: 19 January 201213318PDF: 1861HTML: 1481 -
Atmospheric deposition chemistry in a subalpine area of the Julian Alps, North-West Slovenia
Published: 26 April 20133217PDF: 712HTML: 1186 -
The last ca 2000 years palaeolimnology of Lake Candia (N. Italy): inorganic geochemistry, fossil pigments and temperature time-series analyses
Published: 1 February 20002236PDF: 975 -
An annotated checklist and bibliography of the Diaptomidae (Copepoda, Calanoida) of Italy, Corsica, and the Maltese islands
Published: 13 July 20212241PDF: 249HTML: 75Shapefile of the Italian zoogeographical provinces: 0Matrix of the 55 species distributed in the 19 bioregions: 0Letter by prof. Friedrich Kiefer to prof. Emilia Stella: 0 -
Phytoplankton functional groups for ecological assessment in young sub-tropical reservoirs: case study of the Nam-Theun 2 Reservoir, Laos, South-East Asia
Published: 15 May 20143606PDF: 1271HTML: 2251 -
Weather conditions influencing phosphorus concentration in the growing period in the large shallow Lake Peipsi (Estonia/Russia)
Published: 21 January 20143837PDF: 753HTML: 1189 -
Bridging between litterbags and whole-ecosystem experiments: a new approach for studying lake sediments
Published: 22 February 20174628PDF: 1081Supplementary: 325HTML: 797 -
Long-term persistence of sedimentary copper contamination in Lake Orta: potential environmental risks 20 years after liming
Published: 13 April 20162366PDF: 770Supplementary: 366HTML: 1527