Search Results
Found 82 items.
Distribution and biometry of native and alien crayfish in Trentino (Italian Alps)
Published: 23 May 20133046PDF: 794Supplementary: 219HTML: 727 -
Estimating aquatic invertebrate diversity in the southern Alps using data from Biodiversity Days
Published: 21 June 20211113PDF: 367Supplementary: 97HTML: 17 -
Water chemistry and periphyton biomass in the Rideau River: Have conditions changed after 24 years?
Published: 4 August 20222803PDF: 413HTML: 155 -
Promoting a functional macroinvertebrate approach in the biomonitoring of Italian lotic systems
Published: 7 June 20161818PDF: 944 -
Thermal regime of a highly regulated Italian river (Ticino River) and implications for aquatic communities
Published: 9 August 20163348PDF: 1042Supplementary: 232HTML: 1411 -
Environmental heterogeneity at different scales: key factors affecting caddisfly larvae assemblages in standing waters within a lowland river catchment
Published: 8 November 20163813PDF: 865Supplementary: 282HTML: 1232 -
Living organisms and sedimentary remains from high mountain lakes in the Alps
Published: 12 August 20211556PDF: 278Data Set: 309HTML: 21 -
Environmental factors affecting the distribution of Chironomid larvae of the Seybouse wadi, North-Eastern Algeria
Published: 27 March 20132807PDF: 858Supplementary: 215HTML: 1185 -
AMI-KMNP dataset: Occurrence records of aquatic macroinvertebrate species from a 10-year-long biodiversity survey in SE Hungary
Published: 13 February 2023813PDF: 314HTML: 13 -
Recent findings regarding non-native or poorly known diatom taxa in north-western Italian rivers
Published: 5 February 20132899PDF: 936HTML: 1734 -
Effect of substrate on periphyton communities and relationships among food web components in shallow hypertrophic lake
Published: 6 July 20123514PDF: 849HTML: 1713 -
A modification of the leaf-nets method for sampling benthic invertebrates in spring habitats
Published: 19 September 20172838PDF: 553Supplementary: 291HTML: 342 -
Temporal changes in periphytic meiofauna in lakes of different trophic states
Published: 19 January 20122896PDF: 1267HTML: 505 -
Benthic communities on hard substrates covered by Limnoperna fortunei Dunker (Bivalvia, Mytilidae) at an estuarine beach (Río de la Plata, Argentina)
Published: 19 January 20122732PDF: 1012HTML: 1376 -
Does richness of Oligochaeta (Annelida) follows a linear distribution with habitat structural heterogeneity in aquatic sediments?
Published: 26 March 20142568PDF: 867HTML: 1843 -
Escape rooms: behavioural response of two invasive crayfish species under water decline scenarios
Published: 2 September 2024935PDF: 156HTML: 43 -
Mid-late Holocene lake levels and trophic states of a shallow lake from the southern Pampa plain, Argentina
Published: 24 April 20143522PDF: 1586HTML: 1410 -
Odonata assemblages in anthropogenically impacted lotic habitats
Published: 3 November 20202927PDF: 581Supplementary: 129HTML: 36 -
Morphological abnormalities in cladocerans related to eutrophication of a tropical reservoir
Published: 27 October 20163254PDF: 1047HTML: 1573 -
The meiofauna as neglected carriers of antibiotic resistant and pathogenic bacteria in freshwater ecosystems
Published: 29 November 20211047PDF: 329HTML: 92 -
The impact of dredging of a small lowland river on water beetle fauna (Coleoptera)
Published: 28 April 20163007PDF: 915HTML: 1474 -
Mollusk communities of the central Congo River shaped by combined effects of barriers, environmental gradients, and species dispersal
Published: 2 May 20173470PDF: 668Suppl. Tab. 1: 681Suppl. File_html: 1566HTML: 741 -
In situ effects of arsenic, aluminium and chromium stresses on algal periphyton of the river Ganga at Varanasi, India
Published: 30 June 20231149PDF: 303HTML: 24 -
Aquatic Coleoptera assemblages in protected wetlands of North-western Spain
Published: 12 February 20143885PDF: 1125HTML: 1758 -
Diversity of Monogononta rotifer species among standing waterbodies in northern Cambodia
Published: 26 August 20143829PDF: 772Supplementary: 391HTML: 1231 -
Structure and density population of the invasive mollusc Limnoperna fortunei associated with Eichhornia crassipes in lakes of the Middle Paraná floodplain
Published: 13 April 20152166PDF: 830HTML: 886 -
Nutrient conditions and chironomid productivity in Kolkata, India: assessment for biomonitoring and ecological management
Published: 24 July 20122300PDF: 852HTML: 596 -
Spatial distribution of fish assemblages along environmental gradients in the temporary ponds of Northern Pantanal, Brazil
Published: 5 February 20133107PDF: 665HTML: 907 -
Daily and seasonal dynamics of littoral zone fish communities in the lowland Włocławek Reservoir (central Poland), with a special emphasis on alien invasive gobies
Published: 22 April 20223209PDF: 408HTML: 140 -
Relationships among cyanobacteria, zooplankton and fish in sub-bloom conditions in the Sulejow Reservoir
Published: 26 January 20174817PDF: 908Supplementary: 333HTML: 1099 -
Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera in springs in Trentino (south-eastern Alps)
Published: 1 September 20112073PDF: 1330