Search Results
Found 20 items.
First record of the Asian diaptomid Neodiaptomus schmackeri (Poppe & Richard, 1892) (Crustacea: Copepoda: Calanoida) in Europe
Published: 11 June 20142489PDF: 871Supplementary: 279HTML: 1382 -
Neolovenula alluaudi (Guerne and Richard, 1890) (Calanoida: Diaptomidae: Paradiaptominae): first record in Italy and review of geographical distribution
Published: 27 March 20134798PDF: 765Supplementary: 380HTML: 1583 -
Cladocera (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) of South East Asia: history of exploration, taxon richness and notes on zoogeography
Published: 26 August 20135179PDF: 1070 -
An overview of the limnetic Cyclopidae (Crustacea, Copepoda) of the Philippines, with emphasis on Mesocyclops
Published: 26 August 20134719PDF: 1384Supplementary: 289 -
Rotifers from Thuy Tien lake and Nhu Y river in central Vietnam, with a description of Ploesoma asiaticum new species (Rotifera: Monogononta)
Published: 26 August 20135132PDF: 616 -
A georeferenced dataset for occurrence records of the phylum Rotifera in Africa
Published: 6 March 20231958PDF: 383Supplementary File 1: 163Supplementary File 2: 124African rotifer records: 319HTML: 25 -
A zoogeographic study of the limnoterrestrial tardigrade fauna on the Faroe islands
Published: 3 May 20132901PDF: 818 -
Population genetic structure and demographic history of the freshwater crab Potamon elbursi (Brachyura: Potamidae) from the Alborz Mountains in northern Iran
Published: 1 April 20152322PDF: 1008HTML: 1502 -
Biogeography of the ‘water flea’ Daphnia O. F. Müller (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Anomopoda) on the Indian subcontinent
Published: 21 June 20163914PDF: 1022Supplementary: 468HTML: 1662 -
Community structure, life histories and secondary production of stoneflies in two small mountain streams with different degree of forest cover
Published: 13 October 20152159PDF: 766HTML: 752 -
Sustainment of epiphytic microinvertebrate assemblage in relation with different aquatic plant microhabitats in freshwater wetlands (South Korea)
Published: 21 February 20142483PDF: 898HTML: 933 -
The non-marine Ostracoda of Lapland: changes over the past century
Published: 24 July 20121982PDF: 656HTML: 413 -
Checklist and distribution of the groundwater crustacean fauna from Sicily, Italy
Published: 3 September 20241125PDF: 189Supplementary: 56HTML: 47 -
Diversity of Monogononta rotifer species among standing waterbodies in northern Cambodia
Published: 26 August 20143829PDF: 772Supplementary: 391HTML: 1231 -
Species richness of Cladocera (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) in the Western Ghats of Maharashtra and Goa (India), with biogeographical comments
Published: 27 August 20143288PDF: 1199HTML: 1074 -
A review of rice field ostracods (Crustacea) with a checklist of species
Published: 8 August 20174037PDF: 1005Supplementary: 465HTML: 706 -
Hatching response to temperature along a latitudinal gradient by the fairy shrimp Branchinecta lindahli (Crustacea; Branchiopoda; Anostraca) in culture conditions
Published: 5 August 20142473PDF: 974HTML: 783 -
Past and present distribution of Myxas glutinosa (O.F. Müller, 1774) in the waterbodies of the Urals and Siberia
Published: 26 April 20132358PDF: 602HTML: 1040 -
Diversity and distribution of Tardigrada in Arctic cryoconite holes
Published: 7 June 20163867PDF: 1457HTML: 1442 -
Decaying cyanobacteria decrease N2O emissions related to diversity of intestinal denitrifiers of Chironomus plumosus
Published: 15 October 20142822PDF: 973HTML: 1257
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