Search Results
Found 142 items.
Chlorophyll a interference in phycocyanin and allophycocyanin spectrophotometric quantification
3743PDF: 994Supplementary: 167HTML: 858 -
Relationships among cyanobacteria, zooplankton and fish in sub-bloom conditions in the Sulejow Reservoir
4475PDF: 886Supplementary: 321HTML: 1096 -
Seasonal variation of allochthonous and autochthonous energy inputs in an alpine stream
3617PDF: 1052HTML: 1799 -
Compensatory growth in Microcystis aeruginosa after moderate high-temperature exposure
1762PDF: 719HTML: 815 -
Hydrochemistry and trophic state change in a large reservoir in the Brazilian northeast region under intense drought conditions
3733PDF: 1219Supplementary: 270HTML: 1684 -
Water quality in Lake Xochimilco, Mexico: zooplankton indicators and Vibrio cholerae
6770PDF: 1974HTML: 4482 -
Can fish introductions alter nutrient cycles in previously fishless high-latitude lakes?
3343PDF: 1388HTML: 1656 -
Assessing temporal and spatial variability of phytoplankton composition in a large reservoir in the Brazilian northeastern region under intense drought conditions
3220PDF: 544Supplementary: 212HTML: 406 -
Phosphorus body content in an herbivorous fish in environments with different trophic state
2537PDF: 822HTML: 1085 -
Epipelon dynamics in a shallow lake through a turbid-and a clear- water regime
2051PDF: 833HTML: 1343 -
Seasonal variation of Microcystis aeruginosa and factors related to blooms in a deep warm monomictic lake in Mexico
1500PDF: 437Supplementary: 90HTML: 20 -
Exploiting high frequency monitoring and satellite imagery for assessing chlorophyll-a dynamics in a shallow eutrophic lake
1326PDF: 245Supplementary 1: 45Supplementary 2: 52Supplementary 3: 52HTML: 56 -
Influence of re-flooding on phytoplankton assemblages in a temperate wetland following prolonged drought
3094PDF: 1249Supplementary: 418HTML: 1875 -
Perspectives for an integrated understanding of tropical and temperate high-mountain lakes
4615PDF: 1676HTML: 8369 -
Deposition, burial and sequestration of carbon in an oligotrophic, tropical lake
3094PDF: 1150HTML: 1174 -
The habitat type and trophic state determine benthic macroinvertebrate communities in lowland shallow lakes of China
3228PDF: 968Supplementary: 349HTML: 1349 -
Transparent exopolymer particles (TEP), phytoplankton and picocyanobacteria along a littoral-to-pelagic depth-gradient in a large subalpine lake
972PDF: 222Supplementary: 65HTML: 53 -
Preliminary investigations on picoplankton-related precipitation of alkaline-earth metal carbonates in meso-oligotrophic lake Geneva (Switzerland)
4236PDF: 724Supplementary: 222HTML: 611 -
Daily and seasonal variability of CO2 saturation and evasion in a free flowing and in a dammed river reach
3152PDF: 1067Supplementary: 281HTML: 949 -
Morphological abnormalities in cladocerans related to eutrophication of a tropical reservoir
3159PDF: 1029HTML: 1568 -
A case study of the planktonic communities in two hydrologically different oxbow lakes, Vistula River, Central Poland
3435PDF: 1013Supplementary: 436HTML: 1137 -
Underwater light field determined by water constituents in highly turbid water: the case of Taihu lake
11740PDF: 1067HTML: 1676 -
Fisheries impacts on lake ecosystem structure in the context of a changing climate and trophic state
3923PDF: 1143HTML: 358