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Found 229 items.
Estimating age composition in Alpine native populations of Austropotamobius pallipes complex
Published: 20 March 20152044PDF: 779HTML: 1186 -
Changes in life-history parameters of Daphnia longispina (Cladocera, Crustacea) as a function of water chemistry
Published: 30 April 20143053PDF: 875HTML: 1033 -
Effect of clone size on submergence tolerance and post-submergence growth recovery in Carex brevicuspis (Cyperaceae)
Published: 30 December 20162978PDF: 571Supplementary: 330HTML: 1169 -
Inter-annual climate variability and zooplankton: applying teleconnection indices to two deep subalpine lakes in Italy
Published: 20 August 20143192PDF: 902HTML: 605 -
Influence of environmental conditions on the regenerative capacity and the survivability of Elodea nuttallii fragments
Published: 18 June 20142728PDF: 941HTML: 868 -
Reproduction of Daphnia pulex in a Northern Italy pond
Published: 24 April 20142836PDF: 1051HTML: 1401 -
Allelopathic interactions between the macrophyte Egeria densa and plankton (alga, Scenedesmus acutus and cladocerans, Simocephalus spp.): a laboratory study
Published: 22 March 20162855PDF: 1031HTML: 1306 -
Demographic cost and mechanisms of adaptation to environmental stress in resurrected Daphnia
Published: 13 April 20163233PDF: 885HTML: 1436 -
Double origin of the racer goby (Babka gymnotrachelus) in Poland revealed with mitochondrial marker. Possible implications for the species alien/native status
Published: 1 September 20153009PDF: 862HTML: 1309 -
Seasonal variation in the relative strength of bottom-up vs top-down effects in pelagic cladoceran populations identified through contribution analysis of birth rate
Published: 7 September 20231147PDF: 217HTML: 12 -
The success of the cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii in freshwaters is enhanced by the combined effects of light intensity and temperature
Published: 22 June 20163457PDF: 1096HTML: 1293 -
Distribution and biometry of native and alien crayfish in Trentino (Italian Alps)
Published: 23 May 20132940PDF: 790Supplementary: 215HTML: 727 -
Experimental weed control of Najas marina ssp. intermedia and Elodea nuttallii in lakes using biodegradable jute matting
Published: 7 October 20135202PDF: 755HTML: 1111 -
Phenology of Daphnia in a Northern Italy pond during the weather anomalous 2014
Published: 14 May 20152450PDF: 749HTML: 953 -
The population biology and life history traits of Eurasian ruffe [Gymnocephalus cernuus (L.), Pisces: Percidae] introduced into eutrophic and oligotrophic lakes in Northern Italy
Published: 26 April 20133158PDF: 727HTML: 1434 -
Demographic responses of Heterocypris incongruens (Ostracoda) related to stress factors of competition, predation and food
Published: 22 March 20162384PDF: 748HTML: 1598 -
Hatching phenology and voltinism of Heterocypris barbara (Crustacea: Ostracoda) from Lampedusa (Sicily, Italy)
Published: 17 April 20133220PDF: 620HTML: 460 -
Population genetic structure and demographic history of the freshwater crab Potamon elbursi (Brachyura: Potamidae) from the Alborz Mountains in northern Iran
Published: 1 April 20152302PDF: 1004HTML: 1502 -
Demography and feeding behavior of Stenostomum leucops (Dugés, 1828)
Published: 22 March 20162060PDF: 664HTML: 1299 -
Repeated flood disturbance enhances rotifer dominance and diversity in a zooplankton community of a small dammed mountain pond
Published: 29 December 20163686PDF: 854HTML: 793 -
When and how? Freshwater mussel recolonization in Lake Orta
Published: 13 April 20162529PDF: 927HTML: 1752 -
Competition between two wetland macrophytes under different levels of sediment saturation
Published: 24 February 20152495PDF: 704HTML: 650 -
Can fish introductions alter nutrient cycles in previously fishless high-latitude lakes?
Published: 15 April 20163385PDF: 1399HTML: 1657 -
Ecological effects of multiple stressors on a deep lake (Lago Maggiore, Italy) integrating neo and palaeolimnological approaches
Published: 19 January 201213314PDF: 1861HTML: 1481 -
Daphnia fed algal food grown at elevated temperature have reduced fitness
Published: 6 May 20144213PDF: 1080HTML: 1050 -
Synchrony in whitefish stock dynamics: disentangling the effects of local drivers and climate
Published: 8 June 20232203PDF: 419Appendix A: 60Appendix B: 56Appendix C: 56Appendix D: 53HTML: 21 -
Chinese pond mussel Sinanodonta woodiana (Lea, 1834) (Bivalvia): origin of the Polish population and GenBank data
Published: 12 May 20143489PDF: 1280HTML: 1255 -
Periphyton growth on allochthonous input in streams may lead to higher individual growth rates of the invasive New Zealand mud snail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum)
Published: 20 June 20231059PDF: 300HTML: 13 -
Seasonal quantitative dynamics and ecology of pelagic rotifers in an acidified boreal lake
Published: 5 December 20172485PDF: 502HTML: 516 -
Trophic partitioning among three littoral microcrustaceans: relative importance of periphyton as food resource
Published: 24 July 20123149PDF: 751HTML: 450 -
Hatching response to temperature along a latitudinal gradient by the fairy shrimp Branchinecta lindahli (Crustacea; Branchiopoda; Anostraca) in culture conditions
Published: 5 August 20142400PDF: 969HTML: 781 -
Structure and density population of the invasive mollusc Limnoperna fortunei associated with Eichhornia crassipes in lakes of the Middle Paraná floodplain
Published: 13 April 20152084PDF: 827HTML: 886 -
Cormorant predation on PIT-tagged lake fish
Published: 21 February 20144998PDF: 1089HTML: 1133 -
Rotifers in Lake Orta: a potential ecological and evolutionary model system
Published: 13 April 20163435PDF: 1138HTML: 1683 -
Long-term seasonal nutrient limiting patterns at Meiliang Bay in a large, shallow and subtropical Lake Taihu, China
Published: 2 April 20152406PDF: 896HTML: 1227 -
Population growth potential of rotifers from a high altitude eutrophic waterbody, Madín reservoir (State of Mexico, Mexico): The importance of seasonal sampling Rotifer growth potential
Published: 27 June 20181451PDF: 585HTML: 66 -
Initial size structure of natural phytoplankton communities determines the response to Daphnia diel vertical migration
Published: 19 January 20122571PDF: 1058HTML: 576 -
Seasonal variation of mercury and δ15N in fish from Lake Heddalsvatn, southern Norway
Published: 11 June 20142537PDF: 980HTML: 1192 -
Expansion of the marbled crayfish in Slovakia: beginning of an invasion in the Danube catchment?
Published: 26 January 20164621PDF: 1291HTML: 920 -
The diet of introduced brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis; Mitchill, 1814) in an alpine area and a literature review on its feeding ecology
Published: 3 May 20163071PDF: 957HTML: 739 -
A review of rice field ostracods (Crustacea) with a checklist of species
Published: 8 August 20173859PDF: 1001Supplementary: 462HTML: 699 -
Community structure, life histories and secondary production of stoneflies in two small mountain streams with different degree of forest cover
Published: 13 October 20152086PDF: 762HTML: 752 -
Climate change and plankton phenology in freshwater: current trends and future commitments
Published: 21 January 20147627PDF: 1795HTML: 1282 -
Long-term changes in invertebrate size structure and composition in a boreal headwater lake with a known minnow introduction
Published: 27 March 20133148PDF: 742HTML: 2056 -
Larval fish sensitivity to a simulated cold-water pulse varies between species and age
Published: 22 July 20222367PDF: 405Supplementary: 164HTML: 135 -
Hitting the sweet spot of complexity: Reasons why the development of new custom-tailored models is still warranted and should be encouraged in aquatic sciences
Published: 27 September 2021931PDF: 264HTML: 14 -
The algal growth-limiting nutrient of lakes located at Mexico’s Mesa Central
Published: 22 March 20162711PDF: 965HTML: 1518 -
Extended spawning in brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations from the Southern Iberian Peninsula: the role of climate variability
Published: 16 January 20152833PDF: 644Supplementary: 300HTML: 602 -
Importance of climate change-physical forcing on the increase of cyanobacterial blooms in a small, stratified lake
Published: 22 March 20162277PDF: 928HTML: 1306