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Found 284 items.
Simulating thermal dynamics of the largest lake in the Caucasus region: The mountain Lake Sevan
Published: 18 October 20213232PDF: 461HTML: 35 -
Modelling physical and ecological processes in medium-to-large deep European perialpine lakes: a review
Published: 13 October 20211162PDF: 311HTML: 124 -
An overview of the structure, hazards, and methods of investigation of Nyos-type lakes from the geochemical perspective
Published: 12 February 20145889PDF: 5376HTML: 3430 -
Mid-late Holocene lake levels and trophic states of a shallow lake from the southern Pampa plain, Argentina
Published: 24 April 20143433PDF: 1583HTML: 1410 -
A georeferenced dataset for occurrence records of the phylum Rotifera in Africa
Published: 6 March 20231836PDF: 377Supplementary File 1: 160Supplementary File 2: 122African rotifer records: 317HTML: 25 -
Study of tributary inflows in Lake Iseo with a rotating physical model
Published: 19 March 20143271PDF: 973HTML: 1411 -
Contemporary community composition, spatial distribution patterns, and biodiversity characteristics of zooplankton in large alpine Lake Sevan, Armenia
Published: 23 November 2023576PDF: 112Supplementary: 22HTML: 3 -
Ecology and distribution of living ostracod assemblages in a shallow endorheic lake: The example of the Lake Trasimeno (Umbria, central Italy)
Published: 20 March 20174375PDF: 1210HTML: 913 -
Changes in and driving factors of the lake area of Huri Chagannao’er Lake in Inner Mongolia
Published: 26 October 20221565PDF: 273Supplementary: 145HTML: 75 -
Fisheries impacts on lake ecosystem structure in the context of a changing climate and trophic state
Published: 27 June 20174235PDF: 1155HTML: 360 -
One-dimensional simulation of lake and ice dynamics during winter
Published: 9 April 20143654PDF: 1292HTML: 1071 -
Distinguishing between anthropogenic and climatic impacts on lake size: a modeling approach using data from Ebinur Lake in arid northwest China
Published: 20 March 20142748PDF: 1013Supplementary: 298HTML: 1112 -
Spatial and temporal dynamics of phytoplankton communities in a Great Lakes drowned river-mouth lake (Mona Lake, USA)
Published: 17 February 20152605PDF: 1091HTML: 1343 -
Spatial distribution of crustacean zooplankton in a large river-connected lake related to trophic status and fish
Published: 23 May 20173030PDF: 717HTML: 659 -
Sedimentary lipid biomarkers in the magnesium rich and highly alkaline Lake Salda (south-western Anatolia)
Published: 30 June 20163163PDF: 1221Supplementary: 377HTML: 2923 -
Hydrochemical determination of source water contributions to Lake Lungo and Lake Ripasottile (central Italy)
Published: 21 December 20164787PDF: 972Supplementary: 320HTML: 799 -
Long-term effects of extreme weather events and eutrophication on the fish community of shallow Lake Peipsi (Estonia/Russia)
Published: 6 June 20134613PDF: 960HTML: 1407 -
Weather conditions influencing phosphorus concentration in the growing period in the large shallow Lake Peipsi (Estonia/Russia)
Published: 21 January 20143830PDF: 752HTML: 1189 -
An additional challenge of Lake Kivu in Central Africa - upward movement of the chemoclines
Published: 19 January 20122812PDF: 1090HTML: 815 -
Hydrogeochemical processes controlling water and dissolved gas chemistry at the Accesa sinkhole (southern Tuscany, central Italy)
Published: 26 May 20144149PDF: 1082HTML: 1094 -
Phytoplankton assemblages in Lake Orta: has functional structure recovered in one of the largest acidic lakes in the world?
Published: 13 April 20162309PDF: 861HTML: 1431 -
Total organic carbon and its environmental significance for the surface sediments in groundwater recharged lakes from the Badain Jaran Desert, northwest China
Published: 9 November 20172522PDF: 621HTML: 806 -
Temporal changes in nutrients in a deep oligomictic lake: the role of external loads versus climate change
Published: 25 November 20211450PDF: 368Supplementary: 68HTML: 58 -
Synchrony in whitefish stock dynamics: disentangling the effects of local drivers and climate
Published: 8 June 20232202PDF: 419Appendix A: 60Appendix B: 56Appendix C: 56Appendix D: 53HTML: 21 -
Sub-fossil chironomids as indicators of hydrological changes in the shallow and high-altitude lake Shen Co, Tibetan Plateau, over the past two centuries
Published: 28 July 20222903PDF: 496Supplementary: 181HTML: 133 -
Hydrochemistry, ostracods and diatoms in a deep, tropical, crater lake in Western Mexico
Published: 8 October 201311113PDF: 905HTML: 1601 -
Computing the transport time scales of a stratified lake on the basis of Tonolli’s model
Published: 12 May 20141974PDF: 807XLS: 415HTML: 1354 -
Management implications following the reconstruction of the small and shallow Lake Mustijärv (Estonia)
Published: 25 November 2024733PDF: 121Supplementary: 40HTML: 43 -
Water and dissolved gas geochemistry of the monomictic Paterno sinkhole (central Italy)
Published: 24 July 20122427PDF: 633HTML: 748 -
Trends of publications related to climate change and lake research from 1991 to 2015
Published: 14 March 20174313PDF: 1244HTML: 978 -
Using integrated multivariate statistics to assess the hydrochemistry of surface water quality, Lake Taihu basin, China
Published: 24 September 20144037PDF: 1064Supplementary: 306HTML: 1230 -
Modern limnology and varve-formation processes in Lake Żabińskie, northeastern Poland: comprehensive process studies as a key to understand the sediment record
Published: 29 December 20143472PDF: 1114HTML: 960 -
Deep-mixing and deep-cooling events in Lake Garda: Simulation and mechanisms
Published: 21 June 20211640PDF: 720Supplementary: 105HTML: 74 -
Phosphorus decreases in Lake Geneva but climate warming hampers the recovery of pristine oligochaete communities whereas chironomids are less affected
Published: 24 March 20163173PDF: 770HTML: 1193 -
Profundal benthic invertebrates in an oligotrophic tropical lake: different strategies for coping with anoxia
Published: 5 May 20142969PDF: 1663HTML: 1491 -
Limnology and plankton diversity of salt lakes from Transylvanian Basin (Romania): A review
Published: 18 September 20174168PDF: 1048Supplementary: 407HTML: 797 -
The habitat type and trophic state determine benthic macroinvertebrate communities in lowland shallow lakes of China
Published: 4 February 20163340PDF: 977Supplementary: 354HTML: 1351 -
Hydrodynamic modelling and characterisation of a shallow fluvial lake: a study on the Superior Lake of Mantua
Published: 19 April 20161987PDF: 817HTML: 1449 -
Deposition, burial and sequestration of carbon in an oligotrophic, tropical lake
Published: 25 February 20143161PDF: 1164HTML: 1174 -
Assessment of phosphorus behavior in sediments of Lake Sevan, Armenia
Published: 25 October 2023629PDF: 174HTML: 2 -
Modern sedimentation processes in Laguna de Medina, southern Spain, derived from lake surface sediment and catchment soil samples
Published: 14 October 20163552PDF: 770HTML: 1575 -
Within-lake variability of subfossil chironomid assemblage in a large, deep subtropical lake (Lugu lake, southwest China)
Published: 5 February 20132382PDF: 800HTML: 775 -
Contribution of extreme meteorological forcing to vertical mixing in a small, shallow subtropical lake
Published: 31 October 20162852PDF: 782Supplementary: 279HTML: 1350 -
Sediment records of the metal pollution at Chihu Lake near a copper mine at the middle Yangtze River in China
Published: 14 September 20152592PDF: 815HTML: 1402 -
Indices of zooplankton community as valuable tools in assessing the trophic state and water quality of eutrophic lakes: long term study of Lake Võrtsjärv
Published: 3 March 20145713PDF: 2276HTML: 2305 -
Seasonal morphological variability in an in situ Cyanobacteria monoculture: example from a persistent Cylindrospermopsis bloom in Lake Catemaco, Veracruz, Mexico
Published: 22 March 20161982PDF: 893HTML: 1625 -
Sedimentary geochemical record of human-induced environmental changes in Huanggaihu Lake in the middle reach of the Yangtze River, China
Published: 7 July 20142530PDF: 938HTML: 601 -
Chironomid communities as indicators of local and global changes in an oligotrophic high mountain lake (Enol Lake, Northwestern Spain)
Published: 29 December 20163241PDF: 908HTML: 1057 -
Influence of underwater light climate on periphyton and phytoplankton communities in shallow lakes from the Pampa plain (Argentina) with contrasting steady states
Published: 5 February 20133750PDF: 914HTML: 976 -
Epipelon dynamics in a shallow lake through a turbid-and a clear- water regime
Published: 2 March 20162144PDF: 844HTML: 1343