Search Results
Found 14 items.
Predicting aquatic macrophyte occurrence in soft-water oligotrophic lakes (Pyrenees mountain range)
Published: 22 August 20143941PDF: 899Supplementary: 249HTML: 516 -
Hitting the sweet spot of complexity: Reasons why the development of new custom-tailored models is still warranted and should be encouraged in aquatic sciences
Published: 27 September 2021957PDF: 266HTML: 14 -
Environmental concerns about the effects of effluents from wastewater treatment plants in tourist areas of the Alps: toxicity in aquatic microorganisms
Published: 3 September 2021825PDF: 295Supplementary: 65HTML: 57 -
Lake-level variations and tides in Lago Argentino, Patagonia: insights from pressure tide gauge records
Published: 12 August 20154697PDF: 1075HTML: 1783 -
Fluctuations of Lake Orta water levels: preliminary analyses
Published: 13 April 20162722PDF: 602HTML: 1634 -
Temporal and altitudinal variations in benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in an Andean river basin of Argentina
Published: 27 February 20143972PDF: 1302HTML: 1413 -
An overview of the structure, hazards, and methods of investigation of Nyos-type lakes from the geochemical perspective
Published: 12 February 20145994PDF: 5377HTML: 3430 -
Oligochaete distribution in alpine freshwaters: not a mere question of altitude
Published: 4 October 20231072PDF: 330Supplementary: 44HTML: 5 -
The diet of introduced brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis; Mitchill, 1814) in an alpine area and a literature review on its feeding ecology
Published: 3 May 20163100PDF: 960HTML: 740 -
Modelling ecological specificities of freshwater molluscs: the exemplary case of Bythinella austriaca (v. Frauenfeld, 1857) (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia)
Published: 26 July 20161769PDF: 733HTML: 1110 -
The environmental requirements of Crunoecia irrorata (Curtis, 1834) (Trichoptera: Lepidostomatidae) and the potential of the species for use as an indicator: an example from the Vistulian glaciation area
Published: 30 January 20153066PDF: 890HTML: 1030 -
Influence of re-flooding on phytoplankton assemblages in a temperate wetland following prolonged drought
Published: 25 February 20143193PDF: 1259Supplementary: 423HTML: 1887 -
Using a morpho-functional approach to assess phytoplankton dynamics in two adjacent high-mountain lakes: a 10-year survey
Published: 6 May 20143539PDF: 1051Supplementary: 397HTML: 981 -
Spatial variation of picoplankton communities along a cascade reservoir system in Patagonia, Argentina
Published: 3 September 2021868PDF: 211Supplementary 1: 213Supplementary 2: 197HTML: 16
1 - 14 of 14 items