Search Results
Found 21 items.
Using a morpho-functional approach to assess phytoplankton dynamics in two adjacent high-mountain lakes: a 10-year survey
Published: 6 May 20143480PDF: 1051Supplementary: 397HTML: 981 -
Zooplankton community structure in the presence of low levels of cyanotoxins: a case study in a high altitude tropical reservoir (Valle de Bravo, Mexico)
Published: 20 February 20144035PDF: 1342HTML: 1479 -
Nutrients retention in a small subtropical wetland (México)
Published: 22 March 20161739PDF: 729HTML: 1418 -
Predicting aquatic macrophyte occurrence in soft-water oligotrophic lakes (Pyrenees mountain range)
Published: 22 August 20143892PDF: 894Supplementary: 249HTML: 516 -
Temporal and altitudinal variations in benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in an Andean river basin of Argentina
Published: 27 February 20143905PDF: 1298HTML: 1413 -
Perspectives for an integrated understanding of tropical and temperate high-mountain lakes
Published: 22 March 20164808PDF: 1716HTML: 8381 -
Aquatic Coleoptera assemblages in protected wetlands of North-western Spain
Published: 12 February 20143773PDF: 1122HTML: 1758 -
Sub-fossil chironomids as indicators of hydrological changes in the shallow and high-altitude lake Shen Co, Tibetan Plateau, over the past two centuries
Published: 28 July 20222896PDF: 495Supplementary: 179HTML: 133 -
Environmental factors affecting the distribution of Chironomid larvae of the Seybouse wadi, North-Eastern Algeria
Published: 27 March 20132697PDF: 850Supplementary: 212HTML: 1185 -
Inter-annual ciliate distribution variation within the late stratification oxycline in a monomictic lake, Lake Alchichica (Mexico)
Published: 22 March 20162367PDF: 667HTML: 1543 -
Zooplankton abundance, species composition and ecology of tropical high-mountain crater lake Wonchi, Ethiopia
Published: 11 November 20145847PDF: 1555HTML: 2620 -
An annotated checklist and bibliography of the Diaptomidae (Copepoda, Calanoida) of Italy, Corsica, and the Maltese islands
Published: 13 July 20212188PDF: 247HTML: 75Shapefile of the Italian zoogeographical provinces: 0Matrix of the 55 species distributed in the 19 bioregions: 0Letter by prof. Friedrich Kiefer to prof. Emilia Stella: 0 -
Richness of littoral macroinvertebrate communities in mountain ponds from NW Spain: what factors does it depend on?
Published: 19 January 20122789PDF: 1202HTML: 777 -
Archaea and Bacteria in deep lake hypolimnion: in situ dark inorganic carbon uptake
Published: 12 February 20146328PDF: 988HTML: 1392 -
Gross mismatches between salmonid stocking and capture record data in a large Alpine lake basin in Northern Italy suggest a low stocking effectiveness for an endangered native trout
Published: 16 June 20231775PDF: 312Supplementary: 52HTML: 20 -
Predicting the invasive potential of the cladoceran Daphnia lumholtzi Sars, 1885 (Crustacea: Cladocera: Daphniidae) in the Neotropics: are generalists threatened and relicts protected by their life-history traits?
Published: 22 December 20163696PDF: 866Supplementary: 369HTML: 892 -
Why bacteria are smaller in the epilimnion than in the hypolimnion? A hypothesis comparing temperate and tropical lakes
Published: 19 January 20122231PDF: 896HTML: 650 -
Chironomid communities as indicators of local and global changes in an oligotrophic high mountain lake (Enol Lake, Northwestern Spain)
Published: 29 December 20163236PDF: 906HTML: 1057 -
A new species of Cletocamptus Schmankewitsch, 1875 (Crustacea, Copepoda, Harpacticoida) from a high altitude saline lake in Central Mexico
Published: 26 April 20133558PDF: 780HTML: 1789 -
Neolovenula alluaudi (Guerne and Richard, 1890) (Calanoida: Diaptomidae: Paradiaptominae): first record in Italy and review of geographical distribution
Published: 27 March 20134716PDF: 756Supplementary: 375HTML: 1583 -
Endemism in the Cladocera (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) of Southern Africa
Published: 19 August 20134166PDF: 820HTML: 2498
1 - 21 of 21 items