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Found 49 items.
Effect of starvation and subsequent feeding on glycogen concentration, behavior and mortality in the golden mussel Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857) (Bivalvia: Mytilidae)
Published: 13 July 20162474PDF: 944HTML: 574 -
The diet of introduced brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis; Mitchill, 1814) in an alpine area and a literature review on its feeding ecology
Published: 3 May 20163073PDF: 957HTML: 739 -
Demography and feeding behavior of Stenostomum leucops (Dugés, 1828)
Published: 22 March 20162062PDF: 664HTML: 1299 -
Combining taxonomy and function in the study of stream macroinvertebrates
Published: 22 March 20163682PDF: 1508HTML: 3215 -
Diets and trophic guilds of aquatic insects in Molino River, La Guajira, Colombia
Published: 22 March 20163032PDF: 801HTML: 1748 -
Effects of predation by Hydra (Cnidaria) on cladocerans (Crustacea: Cladocera)
Published: 22 March 20163384PDF: 1029HTML: 2348 -
The role of the hydrological cycle on the temporal patterns of macroinvertebrate assemblages in an Andean foothill stream in Colombia
Published: 22 March 20161825PDF: 803Supplementary: 362HTML: 1369 -
The influence of aquatic macrophytes on distribution and feeding habit of two Asplanchna species (A. priodonta and A. herrickii) in shallow wetlands, South Korea
Published: 11 June 20142688PDF: 984Supplementary: 267HTML: 1272 -
Trophic partitioning among three littoral microcrustaceans: relative importance of periphyton as food resource
Published: 24 July 20123155PDF: 751HTML: 450 -
Experiments on invertebrate predation on cladocerans and its relationships with lake data
Published: 7 October 20212404PDF: 354HTML: 119 -
Inter-annual ciliate distribution variation within the late stratification oxycline in a monomictic lake, Lake Alchichica (Mexico)
Published: 22 March 20162397PDF: 669HTML: 1543 -
Differences in cell wall of thin and thick filaments of cyanobacterium Aphanizomenon gracile SAG 31.79 and their implications for different resistance to Daphnia grazing
Published: 12 May 20162314PDF: 616HTML: 1065 -
Initial size structure of natural phytoplankton communities determines the response to Daphnia diel vertical migration
Published: 19 January 20122574PDF: 1058HTML: 576 -
Larval fish sensitivity to a simulated cold-water pulse varies between species and age
Published: 22 July 20222372PDF: 405Supplementary: 164HTML: 135 -
Effect of substrate on periphyton communities and relationships among food web components in shallow hypertrophic lake
Published: 6 July 20123427PDF: 848HTML: 1713 -
Relationships among cyanobacteria, zooplankton and fish in sub-bloom conditions in the Sulejow Reservoir
Published: 26 January 20174728PDF: 903Supplementary: 328HTML: 1097 -
Water and dissolved gas geochemistry of the monomictic Paterno sinkhole (central Italy)
Published: 24 July 20122429PDF: 633HTML: 748 -
Chironomidae from Eastern Amazon: Understanding the differences of land-use on functional feeding groups Chironomidae from Eastern Amazon
Published: 17 September 2018987PDF: 476 -
Strict stoichiometric homeostasis of Cryptomonas pyrenoidifera (Cryptophyceae) in relation to N:P supply ratios
Published: 15 November 20162266PDF: 752Supplementary: 340HTML: 1300 -
Behavioural responses of juvenile Daphnia magna to two organophosphorus insecticides
Published: 7 October 20212297PDF: 327Supplementary: 199HTML: 148 -
Relationships of shredders, leaf processing and organic matter along a canopy cover gradient in tropical streams
Published: 9 October 20173036PDF: 703Supplementary: 245HTML: 960 -
The population biology and life history traits of Eurasian ruffe [Gymnocephalus cernuus (L.), Pisces: Percidae] introduced into eutrophic and oligotrophic lakes in Northern Italy
Published: 26 April 20133158PDF: 727HTML: 1434 -
Effects of the proximal factors on the diel vertical migration of zooplankton in a plateau meso-eutrophic Lake Erhai, China
Published: 26 March 20142677PDF: 911HTML: 1428 -
Cascading effect of exotic fish fry on plankton community in a tropical Andean high mountain lake: a mesocosm experiment
Published: 26 January 20173951PDF: 1033HTML: 923 -
Zooplankton community structure in the presence of low levels of cyanotoxins: a case study in a high altitude tropical reservoir (Valle de Bravo, Mexico)
Published: 20 February 20144044PDF: 1349HTML: 1479 -
Influence of water quality and seasonal variations on freshwater macroinvertebrate diversity and community structure in wastewater treatment ponds, Phetchaburi Province, Thailand
Published: 5 June 20241022PDF: 280Supplementary: 140HTML: 57 -
A georeferenced dataset for occurrence records of the phylum Rotifera in Africa
Published: 6 March 20231841PDF: 378Supplementary File 1: 160Supplementary File 2: 123African rotifer records: 317HTML: 25 -
Anuran larvae diet from agroecosystem’s ponds: environmental quality and implications for their populations
Published: 2 November 20162277PDF: 931Supplementary: 334HTML: 1506 -
Structure and density population of the invasive mollusc Limnoperna fortunei associated with Eichhornia crassipes in lakes of the Middle Paraná floodplain
Published: 13 April 20152084PDF: 827HTML: 886 -
Morphological abnormalities in cladocerans related to eutrophication of a tropical reservoir
Published: 27 October 20163186PDF: 1043HTML: 1573 -
Survival and swimming performance of a small-sized Cypriniformes (Telestes muticellus) tagged with passive integrated transponders
Published: 21 March 20232456PDF: 517HTML: 44 -
The meiofauna as neglected carriers of antibiotic resistant and pathogenic bacteria in freshwater ecosystems
Published: 29 November 20211005PDF: 325HTML: 91 -
Periphyton growth on allochthonous input in streams may lead to higher individual growth rates of the invasive New Zealand mud snail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum)
Published: 20 June 20231061PDF: 300HTML: 13 -
Zooplankton abundance, species composition and ecology of tropical high-mountain crater lake Wonchi, Ethiopia
Published: 11 November 20145862PDF: 1555HTML: 2620 -
A long-term study on crustacean plankton of a shallow tropical lake: the role of invertebrate predation
Published: 23 June 20153037PDF: 874HTML: 957 -
δ18O and δD variations in some volcanic lakes on the Cameroon Volcanic Line (West-Africa): generating isotopic baseline data for volcano monitoring and surveillance in Cameroon
Published: 24 June 20142629PDF: 1030HTML: 1810 -
Assessing the role of canopy cover on the colonization of phytotelmata by aquatic invertebrates: an experiment with the tank-bromeliad Aechmea lingulata
Published: 16 December 20164549PDF: 967HTML: 901 -
Water quality in Lake Xochimilco, Mexico: zooplankton indicators and Vibrio cholerae
Published: 18 August 20157593PDF: 2032HTML: 4690 -
Settling distances of benthic invertebrates in a sediment mobilization simulation in semi-natural flumes
Published: 21 October 20152209PDF: 814HTML: 658 -
Impacts of the Koka hydropower dam on macroinvertebrate assemblages in the Awash River Basin in Ethiopia
Published: 13 December 20231469PDF: 231Supplementary: 45HTML: 11 -
Lakes in the Anthropocene: Reflections on Tracking Ecosystem Change in the Arctic
Published: 9 November 2023250PDF: 198HTML: 9 -
Rotifers in Lake Orta: a potential ecological and evolutionary model system
Published: 13 April 20163436PDF: 1140HTML: 1683 -
Ecological dynamics of two remote alpine lakes during ice-free season
Published: 29 May 20134941PDF: 843Supplementary: 228HTML: 1266 -
A new species of Diaphanosoma Fischer, 1850 (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Sididae) inhabits lakes of the western United States
Published: 19 August 20152756PDF: 838HTML: 1644 -
Allelopathic interactions between the macrophyte Egeria densa and plankton (alga, Scenedesmus acutus and cladocerans, Simocephalus spp.): a laboratory study
Published: 22 March 20162857PDF: 1031HTML: 1306 -
Synchrony in whitefish stock dynamics: disentangling the effects of local drivers and climate
Published: 8 June 20232205PDF: 419Appendix A: 60Appendix B: 56Appendix C: 56Appendix D: 53HTML: 21 -
Complex effects of acidification, habitat properties and fish stock on littoral macroinvertebrate assemblages in montane standing waters
Published: 11 January 20224425PDF: 371Supplementary: 211HTML: 121 -
An experimental test of the ability of Daphnia galeata resting egg production in Lake Biwa
Published: 12 February 20144310PDF: 807HTML: 1120 -
A model of co-occurrence: segregation and aggregation patterns in the mycoflora of the crayfish Procambarus clarkii in Lake Trasimeno (central Italy)
Published: 19 January 20122619PDF: 1149HTML: 890
1 - 49 of 49 items