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Found 65 items.
Mozingo Studies I. Ice phenology and limnological legacies in a mid-continental reservoir
Published: 2 March 20162128PDF: 621HTML: 972 -
Simulating thermal dynamics of the largest lake in the Caucasus region: The mountain Lake Sevan
Published: 18 October 20213164PDF: 457HTML: 29 -
Daphnia fed algal food grown at elevated temperature have reduced fitness
Published: 6 May 20144168PDF: 1077HTML: 1050 -
Deep-mixing and deep-cooling events in Lake Garda: Simulation and mechanisms
Published: 21 June 20211630PDF: 717Supplementary: 103HTML: 74 -
Estimation of the eddy diffusivity coefficient in a warm monomictic tropical Lake
Published: 22 March 20162663PDF: 753HTML: 1153 -
Simulation of the hydrodynamic behaviour of a Mediterranean reservoir under different climate change and management scenarios
Published: 11 November 20173757PDF: 569Supplementary: 232HTML: 563 -
Effect of intensive epilimnetic withdrawal on phytoplankton community in a (sub)tropical deep reservoir
Published: 2 October 20133388PDF: 874HTML: 1319 -
Lake heat content and stability variation due to climate change: coupled regional climate model (REMO)-lake model (DYRESM) analysis
Published: 19 February 20144914PDF: 1195HTML: 1023 -
Why bacteria are smaller in the epilimnion than in the hypolimnion? A hypothesis comparing temperate and tropical lakes
Published: 19 January 20122231PDF: 896HTML: 650 -
Moored observations of turbulent mixing events in deep Lake Garda, Italy
Published: 3 November 20202806PDF: 786HTML: 13 -
Importance of climate change-physical forcing on the increase of cyanobacterial blooms in a small, stratified lake
Published: 22 March 20162272PDF: 925HTML: 1306 -
Influence of inter-annual environmental variability on chrysophyte cyst assemblages: insight from a 2-years sediment trap study in lakes from northern Poland
Published: 14 February 20173612PDF: 751HTML: 1229 -
Seasonality of chrysophyte cyst and diatom assemblages in varved Lake Nautajärvi – implications for palaeolimnological studies
Published: 13 February 20173703PDF: 685Supplementary: 314HTML: 815 -
Ecological effects of multiple stressors on a deep lake (Lago Maggiore, Italy) integrating neo and palaeolimnological approaches
Published: 19 January 201213277PDF: 1854HTML: 1481 -
Fisheries impacts on lake ecosystem structure in the context of a changing climate and trophic state
Published: 27 June 20174173PDF: 1153HTML: 360 -
Within-lake variability of subfossil chironomid assemblage in a large, deep subtropical lake (Lugu lake, southwest China)
Published: 5 February 20132378PDF: 799HTML: 775 -
Seasonal variation of Microcystis aeruginosa and factors related to blooms in a deep warm monomictic lake in Mexico
Published: 21 June 20211595PDF: 456Supplementary: 92HTML: 21 -
Temporal changes in nutrients in a deep oligomictic lake: the role of external loads versus climate change
Published: 25 November 20211397PDF: 365Supplementary: 65HTML: 58 -
Physicochemistry and zooplankton of two karstic sinkholes in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
Published: 2 December 20142800PDF: 846Supplementary: 382HTML: 1338 -
Phytoplankton dynamic and bioindication in the Kondopoga Bay, Lake Onego (Northern Russia)
Published: 3 March 20143280PDF: 1146HTML: 1260 -
Modelling physical and ecological processes in medium-to-large deep European perialpine lakes: a review
Published: 13 October 20211127PDF: 306HTML: 124 -
Initial size structure of natural phytoplankton communities determines the response to Daphnia diel vertical migration
Published: 19 January 20122535PDF: 1056HTML: 576 -
Phosphorus decreases in Lake Geneva but climate warming hampers the recovery of pristine oligochaete communities whereas chironomids are less affected
Published: 24 March 20163166PDF: 766HTML: 1193 -
Zooplankton abundance, species composition and ecology of tropical high-mountain crater lake Wonchi, Ethiopia
Published: 11 November 20145847PDF: 1555HTML: 2620 -
Effects of the proximal factors on the diel vertical migration of zooplankton in a plateau meso-eutrophic Lake Erhai, China
Published: 26 March 20142647PDF: 910HTML: 1428 -
Diel vertical distribution of planktonic microcrustaceans (Crustacea: Cladocera, Copepoda) in a natural shallow lake from Transylvania, Romania
Published: 4 March 20142186PDF: 1135HTML: 581 -
Study of tributary inflows in Lake Iseo with a rotating physical model
Published: 19 March 20143243PDF: 973HTML: 1411 -
Multiple stressor effects on water quality in Poplar Bay, Lake of the Woods, Canada: a midge-based assessment of hypolimnetic oxygen conditions over the last two centuries
Published: 19 January 20122193PDF: 1685HTML: 453 -
Spatial distribution of juvenile and adult stages of limnetic Cladocera in relation to selected environmental factors
Published: 19 January 20122337PDF: 1003HTML: 494 -
Perspectives for an integrated understanding of tropical and temperate high-mountain lakes
Published: 22 March 20164815PDF: 1719HTML: 8382 -
Seasonal quantitative dynamics and ecology of pelagic rotifers in an acidified boreal lake
Published: 5 December 20172387PDF: 502HTML: 516 -
Hydrochemistry, ostracods and diatoms in a deep, tropical, crater lake in Western Mexico
Published: 8 October 201311089PDF: 900HTML: 1601 -
Relationships among cyanobacteria, zooplankton and fish in sub-bloom conditions in the Sulejow Reservoir
Published: 26 January 20174679PDF: 898Supplementary: 327HTML: 1097 -
Occurrence of two distinct lineages of the freshwater jellyfish Craspedacusta sowerbii (Hydrozoa: Limnomedusae) in Italy
Published: 7 December 20201737PDF: 560Supplementary: 141HTML: 28 -
Phytoplankton functional traits and seston stable isotopes signature: a functional-based approach in a deep, subalpine lake, Lake Maggiore (N. Italy)
Published: 19 January 20122659PDF: 1194HTML: 1122 -
A long-term multi-proxy record of varved sediments highlights climate-induced mixing-regime shift in a large hard-water lake ~5000 years ago
Published: 9 June 20143741PDF: 1126Supplementary: 406HTML: 1857 -
Water and dissolved gas geochemistry of the monomictic Paterno sinkhole (central Italy)
Published: 24 July 20122383PDF: 633HTML: 748 -
Equatorial mountain lakes show extended periods of thermal stratification with recent climate change
Published: 29 March 20163995PDF: 965Supplementary: 387Suppl. - temperature data: 263HTML: 1137 -
An overview of the structure, hazards, and methods of investigation of Nyos-type lakes from the geochemical perspective
Published: 12 February 20145872PDF: 5375HTML: 3429 -
Modern limnology and varve-formation processes in Lake Żabińskie, northeastern Poland: comprehensive process studies as a key to understand the sediment record
Published: 29 December 20143452PDF: 1109HTML: 960 -
δ18O and δD variations in some volcanic lakes on the Cameroon Volcanic Line (West-Africa): generating isotopic baseline data for volcano monitoring and surveillance in Cameroon
Published: 24 June 20142608PDF: 1022HTML: 1810 -
Preliminary investigations on picoplankton-related precipitation of alkaline-earth metal carbonates in meso-oligotrophic lake Geneva (Switzerland)
Published: 31 October 20134281PDF: 742Supplementary: 224HTML: 611 -
Hydrogeochemical processes controlling water and dissolved gas chemistry at the Accesa sinkhole (southern Tuscany, central Italy)
Published: 26 May 20144050PDF: 1077HTML: 1094 -
Fifty years of eutrophication and lake restoration reflected in sedimentary carbon and nitrogen isotopes of a small, hardwater lake (south Germany)
Published: 23 April 20133856PDF: 841Supplementary: 650HTML: 933 -
Computing the transport time scales of a stratified lake on the basis of Tonolli’s model
Published: 12 May 20141964PDF: 807XLS: 411HTML: 1353 -
Inter-annual ciliate distribution variation within the late stratification oxycline in a monomictic lake, Lake Alchichica (Mexico)
Published: 22 March 20162367PDF: 667HTML: 1543 -
Limnology and plankton diversity of salt lakes from Transylvanian Basin (Romania): A review
Published: 18 September 20174066PDF: 1041Supplementary: 407HTML: 796 -
Deposition, burial and sequestration of carbon in an oligotrophic, tropical lake
Published: 25 February 20143145PDF: 1159HTML: 1174 -
A non-deterministic approach to forecasting the trophic evolution of lakes
Published: 22 March 20162639PDF: 690HTML: 1344