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Found 4 items.
Calcite production by the calcifying green alga Phacotus lenticularis
Published: 4 January 20182769PDF: 529HTML: 20 -
Phacotus lenticularis content in carbonate sediments and epilimnion in four German hard water lakes P. lenticularis content in German hard-water lakes
Published: 1 April 2020714PDF: 302HTML: 13 -
Representative monitoring of the calcifying alga Phacotus lenticularis (Chlamydophyceae) in lentic ecosystems Representative monitoring of calcifying algae
Published: 30 January 2020821PDF: 398HTML: 13 -
Sentinel-2 for mapping the spatio-temporal development of submerged aquatic vegetation at Lake Starnberg (Germany) Mapping the spatial distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation
Published: 2 January 20192145PDF: 742HTML: 45
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